
O firmie

Ergy is a modern and dynamically growing business, whose aim is creating value for stakeholders involved in renewable energies.

Our core business consists of asset management for large PV farms located in Poland, on top of which we help our clients grow their renewables portfolio through M&A transactions.

As an asset manager we strive at protecting our clients' investment value, while proactively seeking optimisation of the asset​. Thanks to our extensive experience in renewables, we have the proficiency required in order to provide the highest standards of asset management services. We have a thorough understanding of the renewables industry, and strong insights into the challenges our clients may face.

We leverage on our expertise in the renewable energy sector and combine it with many years of experience in transactions (among which transactions in renewables) at a top multinational advisory firm. Our team has advised on over 20 M&A transactions in renewable energies, with a total capacity exceeding 3 GW.

Our clients include international financial investors and industrial investors, as well as top of the class developers of land-based renewable farms in Poland.

We are a member of SolarPower Europe.


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