FibriTech creates rebewable and biodegradable materials which are alternative to plastics and other non-sustainable materials that are polluting the Earth and exploit limited fossil resources. We contribute to circular economy by reducing waste and pollutions.We develop new technologies of making and forming environmentally friendly materials based on renewable organic resources. The main building block of our materials are natural cellulose fibers from plants which we turn into new types of fibrous material by using innovative bio-chemo-physical processes. The final material is of organic nature and can be easily recycled or turned back to the nature (degraded, composted).We can assign different properties to our fibrous materials to adapt them to various applications e.g. packaging, design and usable items, agro substrates, air filters, and construction materials like thermal and sound insulations.The project started as OrganicDisposables and developend to broader horizontal technology with many applications.
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